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Parenting & Best Practices

Twenty years from now what will your children say to you? How will they remember you as a parent? Will it be an angry parent? Or a fun parent? Or a strict parent?


My kids always remember how mommy never let them sleep with them and daddy did :)


We all do the best we can. But can we do better? Can we be more patient, more present, more relaxed? How would you define your parenting style? Are you comfortable with how you are parenting or are you just parenting your kids the way you were parented and hating yourself for it?


Here are the different types of parenting styles...which one are you? And do you want to improve?

  • Authoritarian or Disciplinarian

  • Permissive or Indulgent

  • Uninvolved

  • Authoritative


Ideally, we think about our children and what they need from us at specific points in time. But what if we fall into one and not divert? What if your partner does the same? Are you on the same page? How do you decide who is right? How do you communicate?


Parenting is a tough job. You need someone to talk to who has been there - in all its wonderful stages- to guide you on the most rewarding journey of your life and the toughest job you will ever have.


We will have an honest conversation about what is working and what is not. We will discuss what you want to change and what you want to tweak. Your partner may be on board, but if they are not, I will provide you with the resources to get you both on the same page. You will communicate with me, and I will be there to support you all the way- much like a marathon runner whose coach follows alongside and makes sure she gets enough water and nutrients to run the very demanding race!


Family at a Beach
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